The ACCPS recruits [vol] Detectives (Volunteer Detectives).

What is needed to join?
(a) Applicants need a minimum class {1} drivers licence
(b) Applicants need to be a minimum of 18 years of age
(c) Applicants must not have been convicted of a crime in the past (5) years

[vol] Detectives carry out investigations, patrols and liase with the public and Police on several matters. There are three stages to a 'career' in the ACCPS:

(1) [vol] Detective Lvl 1 - A new Agent who has served less than 6 months, gives average time on cases and has little knowledge on investigation work

(2) [vol] Detective Lvl 2 - An Agent who has served more than 6 months, spends good time on cases and has good knowledge of investigative and law procedures.

(3) [vol] Detective Lvl 3 - An Agent who serves more than 2 years, and has excellent working knowledge of the vocation and procedures there-in.


How do I join?
 By simply e-mailing the below address with your 'indication of interest'.


 Staff are more than happy to send potential recruits induction packages in the post.

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